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  • Jackie Reynolds



This is super exciting because my new site is LIVE!

If you didn’t notice, I have changed the name to The Soulful Path AND created a new IG account to expand my blog and connect more to YOU!

You can follow now: @the_soulfulpath (click the IG link at the top of this page!)

The intention is still the same, but ya know, I'm growing up a bit and following my soulful path has taken me in a new direction.

It's time to EXPAND!


My intention!

I want to continue sharing my creative journey and spreading positivity in an industry that deals with a lot of self-doubt and more rejection than any other career path.

Whether you are an actor, singer, writer...being a creative artist is a spiritual journey, and this page is here to help you access your connection to your calling in times of resistance and get back to creating!

I want to connect to creatives by spreading inspiration and spiritual empowerment to believe in their own soulful path.

By taking you through my creative process and what helps me stay connected to my passions as an actress, my hope is to continue to help you find trust and joy in the creative process!

I believe that if we focus on what makes US feel good, we are more able to stay aligned in a positive mindset to keep going!


I want to get to know YOU better and EXPAND my reach.

This is where the new IG comes in: @the_soulfulpath (have you followed yet?!)

The best part about being an artist are the PEOPLE and the community we share.

We get to work with and be around some of the most driven, passionate, beautiful individuals, and each of us are on our own path and following a personal calling.

I love hearing other people's stories!

So while we are each on our own separate soulful path, we are all in this together.

I can't wait to connect with you!

Are you ready?

In this space we will:

Breakthrough creative blocks with positive thinking.

Redefine what success means to YOU.

Connect deeper to your calling.

Create your dream life.

Let's Play!

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