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  • Jackie Reynolds

Three Tips To Get You Out of the Winter Blues

Got a case of the Winter Blues?

You are not alone.

It’s easy to get consumed with the chaos of the holidays.

The travel delays, family stress, colder weather, shorter days, spending more money than we want… all of these elements can take us out of the happy spirit and contribute to us feeling uptight and disconnected from the good vibes this time of year should bring.

I know when I am in a funk I tend to not feel aligned with my purpose, which can make me feel lost and unfulfilled.

In this post I am going to give you some tips on how you can take these obstacles and turn them into opportunities for growth and renewal.

These tips are something you can do RIGHT NOW and have helped me so much when I am feeling stuck.

  1. Take Inventory of your Success!

It’s almost 2019! I bet if you actually took inventory of how much you have accomplished this year you would find plenty to celebrate.

Put a pen to paper and create a list of everything you’ve done right and all of your wins you have had this year.

It’s amazing how day after day it seems as if nothing has happened, but when you look back everything is different!

Gratitude it the attitude we need in order to attract abundance into our lives. Take this time to create a gratitude list

Start bringing back the warm and fuzzies into your Winter by appreciating yourself and where you are in this very moment.

You have come a long way.

2. Develop a Personal Growth Plan

You don’t need a new year to give yourself permission to change things up and challenge yourself.

If you’re feeling stagnant this season, maybe look into a 30 day challenge!

Whether it’s for exercise, giving something up, diet, etc.

Finding something that allows you to noticeably see growth will allow you to feel progress and reenergize your routine!

Or, try something you have always wanted to do and take a class!

Becoming a student and learning something new is also a way for you to have a personal growth plan.

Giving yourself a new opportunity to expand your brain allows you to develop a deeper sense of self awareness and connection to what is improving in your life.

This will allow you to get out of that funk that keeps you feeling stagnant, and experience progression in your life.

3. You Must Change Your Perspective

Bottom line, you get what you are ready for.

In order to attract light and be light, perspective is how we can obtain control over our attitude.

In times of a funk we can find ourselves getting connected to the negative, but when you change your perspective, you change your experience.

One of the most helpful prayers I use to change perspective is straight from the book ‘The Universe Has Your Back’ by Gabrielle Bernstein.

If you find yourself giving over to the negative narrative playing in your mind and want out, recite this prayer and offer up whatever it is that is blocking your light to the Universe.

“Thank you, Universe, for helping me see this obstacle as an opportunity. I will step back and let you lead the way."


I hope these inspire you to let go of what does not serve you this season.

Don’t lose your tenderness.

Happy Holidays!

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