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  • Jackie Reynolds

No Past. No Future.

After my long day of exploring Paris alone, I came back to my hotel to regroup before going to see the Eiffel Tower light show. As I was leaving to go back out, I made sure to say goodbye to my reception desk friend, Yann.

When I arrived in Paris, I had many questions on where to go and how to get there, and Yann was patient and helpful with every question. (You can imagine how much I pestered him.)

He was just getting off of his shift and was meeting his friend in the lobby so they could go to dinner with more friends.

They extended an invite for me to join.

At first I didn't want to impose and I had already eaten, so it didn't seem like I needed to attend.

But then I thought, if I wanted to leave at any time I could.

So I went!

We met up with their friends at an outdoor market before picking a place to eat.

Once we got to a restaurant and sat down, I was so glad that I had joined!

Besides my two new friends from Paris, three of them were from India and one was from Columbia.

And then there was me.

I shared no past with them, and I shared no future plans.

But there I was, a moment in time at a dinner table surrounded by incredible strangers who welcomed me with love.

We sat and ate (my second dinner) while we shared our ideas, our dreams, and discussed our world.

What an amazing night it was to feel connected and supported by these new people from all over the globe!

All at once it became a magical and intimate experience where we compared cultures and listened and learned from one another without any judgment.

Over a lot of wine and a lot of pizza, we connected and opened up, becoming one unit.

I went from wandering Paris alone, to ending my night with a group of people reassuring me that love and light exudes from all of us. It is so important to share your light.

We are all connected.

Oneness is our true nature. When we are in tune with the feeling of oneness, then judgement and separation dissolve and our connection to the love of the Universe is restored.

I went back to my hotel that night never having seen the Eiffel Tower light show, but with my heart overflowing with gratitude, and overwhelmed by the love surrounding me.

The most valuable currency we have is the effect we have on others. I may never see those amazing people again, but I will remember that night for the rest of my life.

Your power lies in the capacity to spread love and there is freedom when we stay committed to love and get out of our own way.

By living in love, we can expect miracles and embrace the abundance that lies ahead!

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