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  • Jackie Reynolds

A Sign

Since I was a little girl, I have had a playful sign with the Universe.

When I see this sign, it reminds me that I am aligned and that I am loved and supported by a greater force.

Sometimes this sign is just as simple as The Universe winking at me, or reminding me that I’m on the right path.

Other times, this sign comes out so loud and clear, that I am moved to tears.

A few weeks ago was one of those times.

First, my divine sign is 21.

Over time, this sign has become interchangeable with the number 12..

So, whenever I see 12 or 21, it is a moment I take to breathe, make a wish, check in, or just wink back ;)

A few weeks ago, I woke up with anxiety.

All of the questions and fears about my future built up, and so I took the time to sit and mediate before getting ready for my day.

After my meditation, I chose to focus on gratitude.

I spent the rest of my morning showering and saying “Thank You” to everything. I was saying “Thank You” to my shampoo, my toothpaste, the mirror, my body, running water, etc.

By the time I was dressed and ready for the day, I had said “Thank You” hundreds of times.

As I walked out to my kitchen to make coffee, I noticed one of my roommates had brought the mail in the night before.

I had a letter from my birth fathers' parents.

(In another post I’ll discuss the story of my adoption and finding my birth family, but for now, you should know that I have been lucky enough to share my adult life with my birth family over the past 5 years.)

My birth father, Jimmie, is no longer with us. However, his beautiful parents play such a loving and supportive role in my life. Their unconditional love overflows, and I am a better person for having them in my world.

In this letter, they took the time to write me private messages sharing their support and faith in my path.

Just because.

They then inserted a short passage.

It is titled Appointing Your Days.

And if you look closely to the photo attached, it says ....

Psalm 90:12 ;Acts 19:21

They had no clue they were sending me such a powerful message days before my morning of anxiety, but when I saw this note, I broke down in tears. Hysterical tears.

We are all connected, and I am in this world because of Jimmie. In this moment where I was finding gratitude and letting The Universe take over, this sign was full circle on my entire existence. The Universe reminded me that I am not alone, and I am being supported in ways beyond my imagination!

Because I had said "Thank You" hundreds of times, gratitude was running so deeply in my veins, that my tears from being so spiritually moved, turned to tears of pure joy!

You can never have enough faith in your life.

Love your life. Do it for you.

Be grateful for the unconditional love you have within yourself. The more gratitude you have, you set yourself up to receive more to be grateful for.

I leave you with a quote from


"Don't let your days determine your life. Let your life determine your days. And don't just let your days go by. Prepare them, that they might become vessels of blessing and life. Appoint your days....for the purposes of the Most High."

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